Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Things to Consider When Buying Second Hand Shoes

Are you looking for a new addition to your shoe collection, but you don’t have enough cash to buy a new pair? Buying second hand shoes might just be the perfect solution to your problem. There are lots of online stores that sell quality second hand shoes. Here are some things to remember when buying second hand shoes. 

Style and Brand 

If you have purchased shoes before that you were not comfortable with, you’ll definitely have second thoughts about purchasing from that brand again. If you are not comfortable with the style and brand, it is best if you do some research online. 


Finding the right size of shoes is crucial. Your feet should be measured properly in a shoe store. You want to stay comfortable while wearing your shoes, so you have to determine your size before buying anything.

Terms and Conditions 

It is important to know the return and exchange policy of the store. Ask the store if they offer exchanges or refunds. If the pair of shoes you have purchased don’t fit, it will be easier for you to return it or get a refund. Double check their terms and conditions before you buy. 

Shipping Costs and Duration

Shipping costs are one of the things that you should consider when buying shoes online. The shipping details are explained on the site, so make sure to read it. If you don’t understand their terms, you should contact the store and ask them to clarify their conditions. Check their shipping duration. If you need to use the shoes soon, you have to make sure that the footwear will arrive early. It is also a good idea to ask about their payment options and details. 

Ask the Seller

Before you buy anything, you should know what you are really getting. Look at the photos of the shoes and read their description carefully. If there’s something that you want to confirm, you can always ask the seller about it. Ensure the item is really what it says in the description. If the description says it’s in good condition, but the photo shows the opposite, you should move on and look for another pair of shoes.

As long as you are willing to look for quality second hand shoes, you can find the right footwear at the price that suits your budget and needs. Auction sites are a great place to find bargains. You should be more careful if a deal sounds too good to be true. The pair of designer shoes you are planning to buy might just be a replica and not the real thing. 

If you’re looking for quality second hand shoes, there’s one name that you can trust – BOEX. The company experts second hand shoes and clothing throughout Eastern Europe, Southern America, Middle East, Africa and Asia. The company’s experienced graders inspect and sort the shoes and clothing to check their quality. BOEX collects from over 1000 locations and handles the shipping process on their client’s behalf.  You can visit our site here:


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